Hello! I'm Viktor, I love learning new things and improving myself.
In addition to studying I also work part-time at the tech companies Comono and Orgbrain as a developer.


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skills in project
skills in project

Game Development

I have made multiple games in unity.

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skills in project

School Cryptocurrency

Together with a team of 4, we developed a cryptocurrency for our school, featuring a full frontend and backend.

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Game Dev In C++

To further my understanding of core programming concepts and to draw the most out of my system, i developed a game in C++.

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Competitive Programming

I participated in the norwegian computer science competition, for the first time, and placed in the top 200.

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Web Development

Through school and work I have worked on designing, developing and maintaining websites, such as this one.

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Illustrator & Design

I love creating in illustrator.


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On orgbrain i helpout with extra tasks, I made an API interface to make communtication with the state agency Altinn possible, in addition I worked on an AI project with chat-GPT and langchain

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Worked on the startup Vasonim, The Ultimate Psychology Tool


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To improve my design skills and expression I work a lot with illustrator. My current goal is to improve enough to be able to make a game with my art

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This Website

Making this showcase website is my current programming project, it's a good learning exprerience and rewarding work


Check out my work related links!

guthub link
linkedin link